Monthly Archives: November 2017

Inertia and Momentum



Someone I care about had me read a copy of Steve Job’s inspiring Stanford University commencement speech. In one part of the speech, Jobs describes being rejected from Apple and spending the next 5 years using his creativity to establish NEXT (which was later purchased by Apple) and Pixar. For some reason, after reading this article, I feel pressured to be as creative as the famous Steve Jobs. I know that is funny! I feel rejected and see it as an opportunity for creativity but create what, I know not what yet. So far, I have made a little progress on a Special Needs Support Group (found a partner to help me with this and we’re meeting in a week!), a Adapted Family Yoga Class (discussing how to move this forward with the city on Tuesday) and a yoga class for former and current foster girls (started last weekend!). If anything, I am learning that one doesn’t have to have a good paying career to be valued, though I do hope to get paid better eventually down the road before my savings runs out.  I think I want to create something for travel accessibility for people who do not have good access to travel or just take a job overseas in about a year. Who knows? We’ll see where the road leads! The greatest thing about being unemployed is the lack of routine means I get to see more of a diversity of things so that I never know who I will meet or what will happen because having the same routine daily means being in rut where you see the same people and places daily. Sometimes, it does it get a little lonely when everyone I love is at work during the day. Overall, life is treating me well! Living the good life and hoping you are too! Namaste!

human beings